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[solved] etkey duplicate and possible GUID Spoof after a guy connected

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 11:08 pm
by Heraes
At some moment, I suspected a guy to cheat, as you can see in this video (timestamped) :
When the guy (in axis) jumped from his spawn, he shot a bullet instantly on me while I was peaking fastly (wich was bot-like), and then shortly after, we fight outside and I die very quick. I'm used to normal fight on Hirntot, expecting 3 to 6 seconds, not to be intantly headshoted like that.

But the most surprising is when the map changes, and I load it but it get stuck so I type "/reconnect", as you can see here (timestamped too) :

I have an error message saying "Bad GUID: duplicate etkey". I tried several time to reconnect on Hirntot, and had always this message. But when I went on another public server, no message anymore !

So... In my mind, this guy is a cheater, and he spoofed my GUID when coming on your server. Am I dreaming ? :(
His name is Warp. Perfect name for a guy who would like to steal guids like a worm...
I don't know, maybe it's not him but an other guy during this game. Or even a coincidence, but I prefer to tell you.

Re: etkey duplicate and possible GUID Spoof after a guy connected

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:48 am
by c0rnn
He isn't cheating, no. The duplicate GUID was because your client lagged on the server but was still connected, then you reconnected and so there were 2 clients with the same GUID.

Re: etkey duplicate and possible GUID Spoof after a guy connected

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 10:19 am
by Heraes
I managed to reconnect, so I guess you're right. But the day I was stuck with the error message, disconnecting/reconnecting or relaunching the game wasn't helping. It's strange. To me, it's coherent with a GUID spoofing by a player. Anyway, problem solved (if by chance the problem reoccur when the guy connects to your server, I'll come back here :mrgreen: ).