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[!!!]Liquid Sn. abusing !passvote

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 2:37 am
by Monty on the Run
Last night I joined server at 20.55. The only clan member present at this time was Liquid Sn.. As is often the case when Liquid finds himself with no members around, he uses the !passvote command for self preservation.

At 20.58 on Goldrush, Liquid passed his own vote to disable mortar:


Bear in mind that no one was complaining about mortar at this time. The round had just started, and Liquid decided that he alone was going to !passvote his own vote - because it suited his playstyle and would give him an advantage.

At 21.38 on Radar, Liquid passed his own vote to disable mortar:


At 22.06 on Oasis, Liquid decided to troll about his actions:


At 22.07 on Oasis, Liquid claimed his actions had been part of a test:


This part about Liquid "testing" is of course completely false. He attempts to give the impression that he is doing it to help others, when in fact the only reason he does it is for his own selfish gain

Mortar has been part of Hirntot since Liquid was a toddler, and it will continue to be so for as long as Hirntot exists. The only reason the "disable mortar" vote option was created a few years ago was as a courtesy. If the vote showed a strong favour of disabling the mortar, then it could be disabled. That was how it was intended. The vote option wasn't created so that members like Liquid could call the vote himself, and then !passvote it (before any of the players on server had even had a chance to vote). There needs to be a script where referees like Liquid are prevented from passing their own votes.

As a compromise, the Hirntot admins created a second server ([!!!]Hirntot no HW) where mortar is disabled by default. You are supposed to play on that server if you can't stand mortar. Liquid knows all this. He just can't help himself.

I'll throw in the demo of Oasis too, because it shows what we are up against with Liquid: his allied team had no worry about mortar shells on their head (because Liquid had disabled it) and strolled into axi spawn where they spawncamped the hell out of them... while their engineers planted dynamites at both guns. The round was about as one sided as you can get. Liquid was more than happy to disable one of the opposition's most important weapons for defence on this map, while also taking part in the spawncamping. "testing if game without mortar is less spammy and more enjoyable for everyone" he says with a straight face :roll:

At 22.21 on Frostbite, Liquid passed his own vote to disable mortar:


This was Liquid's 4th !passvote in as many rounds. He had done it every round for the past 86 minutes. It is therefore very telling what happens when member [!!!]TigeR shows up on server at 22.23: Liquid does a complete cease and desist of all !passvote commands and troll comments about the matter. He knows that what he did was not within his mandate. 

Liquid is equally good at abusing the !cancel command. If a vote comes in to extend a map for 3 minutes (and he happens to dislike that map), then he'll do !cancel if no other member is around. He decides - on a whim - what he wants for himself, and no consideration is given to the others who make up the server!

crux was warned in November 2022 to stop abusing the !passvote command, and he managed to curb his obsession. I can only hope that Liquid too will be able to reel himself in.