Würzburg Radar Winter Edition

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Würzburg Radar Winter Edition

Post by Harlekin »


Rain is replaced with falling snow.
Floor and some building textures are replaced with wintertextures
Skybox taken out of Railgun :P
Summer trees are replaced with winter trees

Don't use this mod with HD ET mod!

Download: z_radar-winter-style.pk3 5 MB

Installation for Players:

Put the pk3 into the etmain-folder.
If it's in the etmain of a gameserver you will see the Würzburg Radar Winter Edition.

Installation for Server-Admins:

Put the pk3 only into the etmain-folder and it will not be downloaded to clients.
To uninstall this mod remove the pk3.
It's only replacing textures, so it works together with all mods.
radar.jpg (104.54 KiB) Viewed 23662 times