Two bullies for the price of one: etdrver and jakoelele

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Monty on the Run
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Two bullies for the price of one: etdrver and jakoelele

Post by Monty on the Run »

Just a bizarre situation with player etdrver tonight. First we play Fueldump and he teamkills and bleeds me. I didn’t pay much attention to it, as I figured he was just some random rager.

But then later on Radar it gets interesting. At around 09.20 you see me jump on top of the truck, getting ready to intercept the objective. I put arty on the road below, I drop ammo behind the truck, and I shoot towards the allies coming from main spawn – just as a fops is supposed to do. Then at 09.55 this etdrver walks up behind me and teamkills me. And at 09.44 he teamkills me again, this time followed by a gib. Total execution style. I believe we lost the round right at the end there so this kind of behavior from etdrver is extremely frustrating.

I make etdrver aware that I record him and now he dares me to post demo on forum. “ill explain on the forum” he says. Let’s have your explanation then, etdrver: what gives you the right to teamkill, teambleed, and gib your teammates?

Notice I said “teammates”: etdrver holds the award for "Most damage to team". It’s probably a good bet that he’s raging against other players as well.

Speaking of ragers, you can see player jakoelele comment in the above screenshot. The many nicknames that guy have used on server makes me unsure about who he is. On Oasis he teamkilled me at 04.38 and 01.10, apparently with the justification that I ”take the field ops charge”. "Go cry on the forum" he says. Well, jakoelele or whatever you are going to call yourself next: the only one doing any “crying” is you. If it’s too hard for you to understand that artillery/airstrike only becomes available every 30 seconds, and that you must pay attention to the clock and memorize the times you can call arty, then I suggest you don’t play fops. You’re like a little kid who gets angry when he doesn’t get to play with his favorite toy. I too get frustrated when I want to call artillery/airstrike and there is no available air support because a teammate just used it… but that doesn’t mean I start teamkilling the other fops as “revenge”. You keep teamkilling me or anyone else, and I post demo on forum.
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Re: Two bullies for the price of one: etdrver and jakoelele

Post by evirdrevo »

I was playing under the nick jakoelele last night so let me give my point of view.

I joined the server but since it was peak hours I had to spec for a while. On radar I had the really bad idea of speccing Monty just doing Monty things (aka put arty 24/7) I don't know what you did but somehow you pissed off a couple of guys in the team since there were two guys trying to tk you while a third gibbed you so you couldn't get revived.

Eventually I can join having the honor of playing alongside monty the arty expert. You get the usual bullshit, fops hiding at the back just putting arty all the time or hiding on the water tower, but hey I'm not going to tell you how to play, just do your thing. You kept monopolizing the arty for the rest of the campaign and yes at the end of Oasis I kinda had it with you. You started off oasis putting arty on the cp, timing doesn't matter not your own team spawntime or the enemy spawntime you will just put that arty at the same spot no matter what. On the second part of oasis: rince and repeat. It does not matter if we got control of the grotto, the arty will be put. Timing it? No no no no.
If it’s too hard for you to understand that artillery/airstrike only becomes available every 30 seconds, and that you must pay attention to the clock and memorize the times you can call arty, then I suggest you don’t play fops.
You just put arty when the charge comes available. Arty charge has a thirty second respawn time (with cp)? YOU GENIUS. HE MUST BE THE ONE1111 No mate, you're just retarded putting arty whenever the charge comes up. If you'd put arty on the lower grotte 7-10 seconds before axis respawn, you wouldn't be teamkilling 3 guys every respawn, but you don't give a fuck after all you have 1200 teamdamage and you will just repeat the same arty unless you get to 1200 td. I suggested that rule a long time ago because retards like you just don't give a fuck about teamdamage and back in the days you couldn't even complain vote on teamkills so the 1200 td rule was implemented to make people like you notice just how much teamdamage you put out.

It's not just one game, it is inheritant to your playstyle. The 1200td rule shouldn't be needed. There are tk's nobody gives a shit about, pushing out last seconds of respawn and nading one of your teammates who respawns one second later: nobody gives a shit. It becomes and issue when the guy putting the arties just doesn't give one fuck about when and where to place them and in the end you dictate how the map can be played: camping. Before the last TK from my pov I held up 4-5 allies in the lower grotto up untill respawntime, selfkilled and I wanted to strike from the platform above axis spawn would have taken out at least 2-3 guys and with airstrikes you aren't denying your own team access to a part of the map 20 out of 30 seconds. If you'd put it at the right time it wouldn't be much of an issue but since you just put it whenever the charge comes up it just teambleed galore. On the rare occasions you do throw a strike it just out of the main gate, instead of throwing it from high up so the time for the airstrike to land will be a lot shorter since the can will spend more time flying, it won't be seen as easily, well I don't need to explain you how airstike works but somehow you always throw that retarded airstike out of main gate, while the people who want to throw that airstrike in a non retarded way cannot since its way faster to throw it out off the main gate. You're the kind of guy who snipes airstrikes on fueldump first part when the tank is crossing the bridge because hey: charge was up lets put an arty and snipe the airstike that actually is going to stop the tank.

- you pm people telling them to let you have the fops charge 'since you have lvl 4'
- you put the same arty all map long
- you block the respawn by giving ammo (kind like rammstein)
- you don't give one flying fuck about teamdamage, you only give a fuck about not reaching 1200td
- you monopolize all the arty all map long
- stop pretending to be some kind of admin, pm people, threatening people, putting a demo online of two tk's in a full campaign.
- i fail to see the difference between giving you four headshots and you consistently tk'ing 2 guys a minute.
- you remind me of sasha

All this 'rage' is kinda exagerated by the evolution of hirntot as of late. These days you get to play on 14vs14 a lot and those 4 extra players are making the server even more block / teambleed / block / teambleed. Just getting out of spawn past all the spawnkill and teambleed is a pain in the ass while some guy is pretending to be the next Winghaven while he is sitting at one spot the whole map monopolizing the arty charge and consistently teamkilling people. Why are donators even protected? I never asked for donator status but imho it leads to people like monty getting away with anything since his teammates can't even call a vote. Just like the 1200 teamdamage rule, you need some kind of feedback when it comes to shitty teammate behaviour and since he has donator status you can't even callvote kick him. The same might be said about me tk'ing monty twice in one evening, so maybe you should reconsider donators being immune to callvotes.
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Re: Two bullies for the price of one: etdrver and jakoelele

Post by c0rnn »

Ah, $a$a, good times. :D

Edit: $a$a IS rammstein/ratatouille, didn't know that until I just checked. :o
Monty on the Run
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Re: Two bullies for the price of one: etdrver and jakoelele

Post by Monty on the Run »

evirdrevo wrote:
Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:43 pm
I was playing under the nick jakoelele last night so let me give my point of view.

I joined the server but since it was peak hours I had to spec for a while. On radar I had the really bad idea of speccing Monty just doing Monty things (aka put arty 24/7) I don't know what you did but somehow you pissed off a couple of guys in the team since there were two guys trying to tk you while a third gibbed you so you couldn't get revived.

Eventually I can join having the honor of playing alongside monty the arty expert. You get the usual bullshit, fops hiding at the back just putting arty all the time or hiding on the water tower, but hey I'm not going to tell you how to play, just do your thing. You kept monopolizing the arty for the rest of the campaign and yes at the end of Oasis I kinda had it with you. You started off oasis putting arty on the cp, timing doesn't matter not your own team spawntime or the enemy spawntime you will just put that arty at the same spot no matter what. On the second part of oasis: rince and repeat. It does not matter if we got control of the grotto, the arty will be put. Timing it? No no no no.
If it’s too hard for you to understand that artillery/airstrike only becomes available every 30 seconds, and that you must pay attention to the clock and memorize the times you can call arty, then I suggest you don’t play fops.
You just put arty when the charge comes available. Arty charge has a thirty second respawn time (with cp)? YOU GENIUS. HE MUST BE THE ONE1111 No mate, you're just retarded putting arty whenever the charge comes up. If you'd put arty on the lower grotte 7-10 seconds before axis respawn, you wouldn't be teamkilling 3 guys every respawn, but you don't give a fuck after all you have 1200 teamdamage and you will just repeat the same arty unless you get to 1200 td. I suggested that rule a long time ago because retards like you just don't give a fuck about teamdamage and back in the days you couldn't even complain vote on teamkills so the 1200 td rule was implemented to make people like you notice just how much teamdamage you put out.

It's not just one game, it is inheritant to your playstyle. The 1200td rule shouldn't be needed. There are tk's nobody gives a shit about, pushing out last seconds of respawn and nading one of your teammates who respawns one second later: nobody gives a shit. It becomes and issue when the guy putting the arties just doesn't give one fuck about when and where to place them and in the end you dictate how the map can be played: camping. Before the last TK from my pov I held up 4-5 allies in the lower grotto up untill respawntime, selfkilled and I wanted to strike from the platform above axis spawn would have taken out at least 2-3 guys and with airstrikes you aren't denying your own team access to a part of the map 20 out of 30 seconds. If you'd put it at the right time it wouldn't be much of an issue but since you just put it whenever the charge comes up it just teambleed galore. On the rare occasions you do throw a strike it just out of the main gate, instead of throwing it from high up so the time for the airstrike to land will be a lot shorter since the can will spend more time flying, it won't be seen as easily, well I don't need to explain you how airstike works but somehow you always throw that retarded airstike out of main gate, while the people who want to throw that airstrike in a non retarded way cannot since its way faster to throw it out off the main gate. You're the kind of guy who snipes airstrikes on fueldump first part when the tank is crossing the bridge because hey: charge was up lets put an arty and snipe the airstike that actually is going to stop the tank.

- you pm people telling them to let you have the fops charge 'since you have lvl 4'
- you put the same arty all map long
- you block the respawn by giving ammo (kind like rammstein)
- you don't give one flying fuck about teamdamage, you only give a fuck about not reaching 1200td
- you monopolize all the arty all map long
- stop pretending to be some kind of admin, pm people, threatening people, putting a demo online of two tk's in a full campaign.
- i fail to see the difference between giving you four headshots and you consistently tk'ing 2 guys a minute.
- you remind me of sasha

All this 'rage' is kinda exagerated by the evolution of hirntot as of late. These days you get to play on 14vs14 a lot and those 4 extra players are making the server even more block / teambleed / block / teambleed. Just getting out of spawn past all the spawnkill and teambleed is a pain in the ass while some guy is pretending to be the next Winghaven while he is sitting at one spot the whole map monopolizing the arty charge and consistently teamkilling people. Why are donators even protected? I never asked for donator status but imho it leads to people like monty getting away with anything since his teammates can't even call a vote. Just like the 1200 teamdamage rule, you need some kind of feedback when it comes to shitty teammate behaviour and since he has donator status you can't even callvote kick him. The same might be said about me tk'ing monty twice in one evening, so maybe you should reconsider donators being immune to callvotes.
Well evirdrevo, that was alot of rage, and I get the feeling when I read it that there’s something more than just lack of airsupport that is troubling you when it comes to ET. I hope everything works out for you and that you stay with us. You are a good hand. If it helps, I will stop playing fops and you can have the fops class all to yourself.

As for your claims; it’s all in the Radar & Oasis demo what really happened. Have a nice evening.
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Re: Two bullies for the price of one: etdrver and jakoelele

Post by evirdrevo »

If it’s too hard for you to understand that artillery/airstrike only becomes available every 30 seconds, and that you must pay attention to the clock and memorize the times you can call arty, then I suggest you don’t play fops.
You're a retard.
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Re: Two bullies for the price of one: etdrver and jakoelele

Post by justyna.olesik »

Yes etdriver is doing tk on purpose.
i am not a woman
Monty on the Run
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Re: Two bullies for the price of one: etdrver and jakoelele

Post by Monty on the Run »

Unfortunately, there’s still ongoing bullying from “jakoelele” AKA evirdrevo.

Last night he used the nick cannot into hits. He joined the server while we were playing Railgun, and as you can see from the following demos I did not say or do anything to provoke him:

Around 07.00 – teamkill
08.46 – teamkill
07.54 – running into my arty on purpose (in an attempt to get me kicked)
06.09 – gib

09.36 – teamkill and gib
15.18 – calls kickvote on me for no valid reason

evirdrevo have used 157 (!) different nicks on Hirntot so far. That’s one of the reasons why his teamkills fly under the radar: he wears so many different disguises that his teamkilling does not draw attention to one particular nick. And make no mistake about it: he is targeting anyone and everyone on server who for some reason annoy him. I regularly see him execute complete random teammates while he runs out of his own spawn. Shooting them in the back, without any conscience. This report on evirdrevo and his bullying tactics should therefore be seen as a broader concern for the public, and not just a case of two particular players who cannot get along.

While the above mentioned teamkilling was going on, I did !regs to confirm that player “cannot into hits” had level 5 donator status. That’s his ID next time you’re getting randomly teamkilled on Hirntot by a nickname you’ve never seen before: the only player with a level 5 donator status who does frequent rage teamkilling is evirdrevo.

As mentioned, I did not say or do anything to provoke him. The question then becomes: what makes evirdrevo decide that as soon as he joins my team, his first order of business should be to start teamkilling? I can only speculate:

1) He saw that Monty had the most XP in his team and this somehow made him even more jealous and enraged than usual
2) He saw that Monty was playing fops and figured that if he selected this class then he would not have much joy with regards to available airsupport. His tactic therefore became to teamkill Monty in hope that he would leave
3) He is annoyed at his own post from August 13th 2019 where he let it slip that he thinks the frequency of available airsupport is reliant on whether or not the team have set up a CP, thus basically exposing himself as someone who doesn’t have a clue
4) He is annoyed from a few weeks ago when he made an attempt to break Monty’s 36 killspree-record on Radar, only to fall short at 30
5) He is annoyed that he has not received any sort of acknowledgement from Monty for the past 5-6 weeks where he has connected to Hirntot and while waiting in the queue have written “follow [Monty’s player number]” and then tried to throw him off his game via chat. evirdrevo attempting psychological warfare is like a monkey trying to drive a car
6) evirdrevo’s psychological issues run deeper than we realized and there’s no rhyme or reason behind his actions on server. He might very possibly be working a lousy job where he receives a lot of stick from his superiors, and this manifest itself in how emotionally stable he is when playing computer games

I think it’s a combination of all 6.
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Re: Two bullies for the price of one: etdrver and jakoelele

Post by evirdrevo »

1) just lol, I dont give one shit about your xp. nobody does
2) just lol, i only play fops first spawn on railgun and the last minutes when last train has to be escorted.
3) no mate the charge speed of the airstrike is affected by the cp. with cp it is 30 seconds, without the cp, you don't get the 30 second arty respawn hence making it harder to time, at least that's how it is in ET vanilla. (talking about the player arty recharge speed - not the team arty recharge speed)
4) you are just delusional, nobody gives a fuck about your 36 man arty killing spree
5) what are you smoking and where can we buy it? stop pming ppl and asking attention from them, i asked you plenty of times before to stop private messagin me.
6) Only reason I work is because I like my job. My house is payed off and I earn more from interests than from actual working you pleb. Have you considered how fucking annoying of a teammate you are and that might be the issue.

Let me give my take on last night. I join on railgun, I see both rammstein and monty on axis and nod to myself: "yeah, this sure is going to be fun". As expected both are camping the backline, only giving ammo and repeating the same arty over and over again. As I told you before the arty on the ice exit of allied spawn is the most important choke to get mapcontrol. After you take ice choke, you can take middle spawn exit and you can drive tug without much hassle and win the map. You of course keep putting that arty on that stupid spot taking out 5-6 teammates in the span of one minute but just not giving a fuck. Rest of the evening goes along the same lines, monty hiding inside the spawn or at a watertower, only giving ammo or putting arties, maybe shooting a couple of bullets to get around the new mechanic introduced to prevent ppl like rammstein giving ammo and drinking beer in spawn without doing anything else.

I don't know what has gotten into you but eversince !webstats got introduced to the server and not some webpage, some people have seem desperate to up their k/d ratio, no matter which way to achieve it. For you it seems like hiding at the back of the map or inside the spawn. My tk on fuel: i couldn't even tell if you were camping or afk, since you were at the exact same spot 30 seconds after I respawned and not moving hence the callvote kick. If you keep losing map after map because you got both rammstein and you doing nothing for the team it ruins the game. If you are only giving ammo and putting arty you are just taking away a spot from the axis team. If a noob plays stupid, people can live with it. If it's a guy who plays for serveral years, you'd expect them to realize it's hurting the team.

As for the donator, I agree, they shouldn't have special protections. If you or I play in an antisociable way, the people on the server should be able to kick us, like we did with rammstein on oasis. It's hard enough getting a vote to pass, getting yourself kicked is not something that would happen easily.

After reading your latest reply I can only confirm what I said before: you're a retard. At least when it comes to ET. You really don't seem to grasp what my issue with you is and how you ruin the game whenever you are doing your hide and seek gameplay. I still get ten time more tk's from your stupidity than you get tk'd by my frustration over your lack of gameplay and teamplay. Also talking about yourself in the third person ... get yourself checked mate.
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Re: Two bullies for the price of one: etdrver and jakoelele

Post by etdrver »

Hi all,
I come to defend myself against angry people.

So Monty, sorry for the late answer, but here it comes :
Monty on the Run wrote:
Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:14 pm
Then at 09.55 this etdrver walks up behind me and teamkills me.
:arrow: Wrong, I was shooting in a strong position before you get in my line of fire.
The demo clearly proves my point : I did not intend to hurt you. You just made a suicidal move.
You also forgot to mention that I (me) revived you. Why so much hate on me?

To continue, I took my distance from you but the following happened :
Monty on the Run wrote:
Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:14 pm
And at 09.44 he teamkills me again, this time followed by a gib.
:arrow: Wrong, again I was shooting at enemy's spawn exit. Shit happens sometimes.
I really made an effort to take distance from you.
But this time you were dancing around with binoculars hiding behind truck, without shooting a single bullet.
That was inevitable : you jumped again in my line of fire. Demo does not lie.

I reacted badly and gibbed you, sorry, but I felt it was deserved.
Monty on the Run wrote:
Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:14 pm
First we play Fueldump and he teamkills and bleeds me.
:arrow: What happened on fueldump? Any demo and precise time?
Fueldump before radar? Your whole story is a non-sens (and a lie ?)
Monty on the Run wrote:
Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:14 pm
It’s probably a good bet that he’s raging against other players as well.
:arrow: Go bet on sports and leave me alone. I only rage against idiots. Who are those "other players" ?

To finish my reply to you Monty, I will quote you favourite author (Mr. on the Run) :
"Don't just post a demo and publicly shame a player - post exact times in the demo and what you think you saw."

So please, stop shaming on me and start to be useful to your team.

And now justyna.olesik
justyna.olesik wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:07 pm
Yes etdriver is doing tk on purpose.
:arrow: Thanks for public shaming. Any proof?

I played a lot on hirntot recently. Sometimes three campaigns in a row. I encoutered admins on the server and never had a problem.
I will go on and play by the rules.

Thank you all
Monty on the Run
Posts: 242
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Location: The Outer Reaches of your Mind

Re: Two bullies for the price of one: etdrver and jakoelele

Post by Monty on the Run »

Tonight I logged onto Hirntot around 23.00 and I see evirdrevo playing while using my nickname. The only difference was he used an extra space between "the" and "Run" so that the nickname spelled out "Monty on the Run". He used my nick colors and from the chat it looked like some of the other players believed that he was me.

This is definitely not cool.

From the logs it looks like evirdrevo had been playing since 20.03 this evening (27. February), so it's possible that from 20.03 and up until 23.00 he was playing while using my nickname. I'd like an admin to go through the chatlogs for this timeframe and check if he was saying stuff in chat to defame my character, especially any PMs he might have sent to other players.

When I got on server at around 23.00 I called the !admin command and also alerted the chat in Discord. I assume it was an admin who changed his nickname to "Monty in the faketaxi", because once his nickname was changed he tried real hard to antagonize me via chat:


As most of you are aware, evirdrevo have a full-blown obsession about Monty and his style of play. 99% of the time when he joins server and sits in queue as spectator he will try to disrupt Monty via chat. All his comments are like water off a ducks back to Monty, so I can only assume that this is why he decided to get desperate and impersonate Monty.

Impersonating a player on server is against all codes of good conduct. I expect evirdrevo to receive a !warn and harsher punishment if he does it again.

And before any admin get the idea to tell me not to take everything so seriously, please consider this:
1. How would YOU feel if one night you logged onto server and saw that someone was impersonating your nick and had others fooled?
2. evirdrevo is someone who has only bad intentions against Monty (as documented in this thread) and will not stop laming unless someone makes him. Therefore my concern over this is fully warranted. It would be different if it was one of Monty's friends who had the (bad) idea to impersonate Monty - then I might have let it slide.
3. I've had other players use my nickname many years ago. That's why I asked the admins here if there was a way to register my nickname so that it can only be used by me. The answer I got was that this would not be necessary because noone would impersonate me - I guess they were wrong. If it's at all possible, I would like help with registering my nickname on server. Thank you.
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