Server maps

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Server maps

Post by trinita »

Hola babies

Let's talk about maps on server. Let's people say their opinion about maps. Is it possible to create some vote poll here like 15 difference map and everybody can vote for his 2 favorite map. For my opinion two maps in server are "cancer" map - Railgun and Bridges Final.

Say your opinion or dont cry in server (players) :D

Greetings, trini
Liquid Sn.
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Re: Server maps

Post by Liquid Sn. »

Everyone knows that I hate goldrush :DD
Other maps I don't like are: railgun (most of the time), frostbite(most of the time)
Maps which I love: radar, missile,
The rest of the maps rly depend on how the teams are: battery, fuel, oasis, supply,

I would definitely remove the maps I hate...
Monty on the Run
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Re: Server maps

Post by Monty on the Run »

Biggest problem is that most maps are too small and narrow. Too much pushing and agitation because of it :( I forget the map name, but if you are adding a map and at the same time deciding that it is so small that you are going to limit engis to 6 mines and fops to level 2 signals, then it's probably not a good idea to roll out such a map... noone likes the idea of getting to round 7 in a campaign and seeing their engi or fops class suddenly nerfed. That is not in tradition with what Hirntot has prided itself to be for two decades.

Bridges is fine. If players like Joss would just press L and read the damn objectives during warmup then he wouldn't look like a lost puppy. Yes, you are supposed to repair the TRUCK under the bridge and not the freaking bridge at start. I don't know, last year there were many positive comments about Bridges, but this year it seems some of those positive voices (Hela) are missing. With a current dislike ratio of -2,70 % that actually puts this map as one of the more popular custom maps in recent times (but we don't know if professor c0rnn rigged this vote too).

I guess what Monty is missing this year is a real good christmas map. The hats and trucks are not enough. It's been a tradition to play Northpole last couple of years, maybe it's best to keep this map. Those who've been naughty all year (VARDASCA, POKEMONE, BURPS) can go to the christmas tree on this map and pretend they got some presents.

There was a christmas version of Goldrush played here a couple of years ago, with big candy sticks to lick and boxes that looked like actual presents. I know Tiger was in love with this map. Not sure if it was the UJE version, but it was a nice one.
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Re: Server maps

Post by valk »

Two possible maps to be added on either campaign;
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